Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Origin of the World

I don't know about you, but I'm beginning to think there might be something to this whole "save the environment" thing. It's still cold as all hell up here in New York, and apparently yesterday it SNOWED in Atlanta. There is something in rotten in the state of our ozone layer. I bought an adorable denim Chloƫ Sevigny-looking dress as H&M last night, but, as it is freezing, I don't think I'll be able to wear it for another few weeks. Months? Years? Who knows. Therefore, instead of feeling like this:

I feel more like this.

And, once again, I am in the midst of a personal and professional crisis, triggered by disappointment and disillusionment with practically everything and everyone around me, EXCEPT for a few people and a few wondrous events which I will share with you now.

It is March, after all, Women's History Month. (Yes, I had to wikipedia that to confirm). I consider myself very lucky to be surrounded by women who inspire me with their commitment to the arts. Take Wah-Ming, for example.

Wah-Ming is the co-founder of the Page Reading Series here in New York. Illustrious writers such as Wayne Koestenbaum and Jim Shepard read last week. A writer herself, WM has created an environment for writers to come and share their work in a relaxed setting where readers and fans can approach them without fear. In addition to her work with the reading series, WM has been an inspiration and mentor to me the past few weeks as I've struggled with my next career move. We also like to talk fashion. In other words, Wah-Ming is an inspiration.

Then there is Lauren Cerand, who I had the pleasure of meeting last week. Lauren is an independent publicist and she is also the author of the blog Lux Lotus. Lauren is a culture vulture in the best way and a fashionista. Her blog is a must for those interested in cultural events around New York. Her support of female authors and artists is fabulous. Rock on, girlfriend.

Of course I have to give a shout-out to my woman Agyness Deyn. Despite cool women's hatin' and jealousy of her fierceness (see Jezebel: why do they hate her so much? even commenters on my fashion blog hate on her!), she continues to be one of the most successful, unique models working today. She takes my breath away on the page and on the runway. We need to support each other, ladies.

Last, but certainly not least, the brilliant Chris Kraus. Chris is the author of several novels, including one of my favorite books of all time, I Love Dick. Half epistolary novel, half autobiography, I Love Dick literally changed my life. Kraus' work helps me to feel not so alone, or insane, for wanting what I want out of a partnership, and out of a career as a writer.

And, as always, I have lots of love and admiration for all my bloggers I run here to the right. It takes a lot of balls to put yourself out there for judgment every day. I really enjoy reading each and every one of you, whether it be about Sebald and or Fashion tips on cigarette jeans. And to my friends, who continue to tell me I'm worth it, even when all I want to do is throw in the towel.

The end all be all: my mom, without whom, nothing would be possible.

So happy Women's History Month.

I don't know what I would do without you, ladies.

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