Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sunset always makes me pensive - Genelia

Sunset always makes me pensive and the further I am from home, (I’m shooting.

In Australia at the moment), the more potent and overpowering is its effect on my mood.

My thoughts and very recently my words ever since I’ve started writing this column.

There are people who romanticise sunset and turn it into the lover in whose arms they can spend.

The beginning of darkness; there are others that term sunset as one of the most beautiful sights nature has bestowed upon us.

Beautiful it sure is, but a sunset is also Mother Nature’s very own double-edged sword.

Every sunset is a glaring reminder of things that come to an end. One day less to work harder to achieve my dreams.

One day less to enjoy the excitement of a new city, one day less to devour good food.

One day less to hear my mom say “I Love You” to me, one day less in the game of life.

The sunset helps you forget the day’s pains and start anew its the bearer of eternal hope.

It is interesting how everything that we do during the day transforms itself into a memory and how strange it is that with the rising sun, memories resurface. But for me, it is always the sun disappearing into the horizon that makes me remember things.

It is always at sunset that I find myself connecting with myself. A sunset triggers in me a memory that either makes me smile wistfully or makes me nostalgic. It makes me tell myself, “If only for a day...”, and depending on whether it is a memory of something good or something bad, I feel this desire to either relive that day again and undo what I did wrong.

Sunsets make me feel responsible for the past that shaped my present and my present that is sculpting my future. I remember as a little girl, my mom would often tell me to make a wish upon the setting sun. Wishes made upon the setting sun come true it is said.

So today, as I look at the setting sun from my window, I think of all the things that I wish to be and my eyes close on that thought...I smile...I wish...I wish upon a wish-bearer — the fading sun — that at this minute is observed by millions of people, but at the same time is giving me my very own moment of peace, love and hope for tomorrow.

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