Monday, October 31, 2011

Little 'distractions' like the CONSTITUTION...

 "There is no bigger issue than faithfulness to the Constitution.. I'm surprised and disappointed, for instance, that Ron Paul, the champion of the Constitution in the presidential race,
seems to concur with the Republican establishment's veil of silence on Obama's legal qualifications for office"..

"Is the plan simply to scrap Article 2, Section 1, of the Constitution in the future – thus allowing Republican presidential and vice-presidential candidates to circumvent the rules as equal-opportunity ignorers of the law of the land"?

Why is it that this issue – and this issue alone – is so universally characterized by Republicans as a "distraction"?

 "Why would Republicans be afraid of an issue that sends their party to the top of the polls?
 Why are they actively participating in the cover-up?

I am disappointed too..Until someone can answer these and other questions...I TRUST NO ONE!!

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