Friday, October 28, 2011

Occupy Madison denied permit extension because protesters were publicly masturbating

Just your good old grassroots movement folks.

From Fire Andrea Mitchell... You will have to click this link to get the rest of the story.
Maybe the Occupy Madison movement should be called the Occupy Jizz movement or something. Public masturbating is known to be a trait of monkeys and chimpanzees. So it only seems natural that these left wing nut jobs who have acted like animals would do such a thing. According to Pundit Press, Occupy Madison has temporarily been denied an extension in their protesting permit because some of their members have violated “public health and safety conditions.” The most notable was repeated complains from a nearby hotel, which stated that protesters were “publicly masturbating” in full view of passersby. Thank god their is no YouTube video of this going around (or is there?.)
Now, @OccupyMadison99 on Twitter claims there was never a “permit” because they never applied for one. But I don’t see any denial from that Twitter “person” or bot about the public slapping off. So you can decided for yourself.

Paul Streeter, an OWS spokesman, responded to the situation: “[The protest] is indeed a work in progress,” he said. “We will continue to address issues as they come up.”

As Nancy Pelosi once famously said about this “movement,” God bless them!

Pic From Moonbattery

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