Monday, February 21, 2011


Exactly on this day, 13 years ago, scientists revealed that they had successfuly cloned a female domestic sheep, and while I was five years old at the time, just the idea of cloning something, and the way it had been protrayed in fiction fascinated me. A part of it was definitely my uncle who was a doctor, a major Cloning Nerd (is that even something?) was so excited by it.

I remember being in my living room and my mom held me as we watched the news. And now, that I look back, I realize how long it's been since I've watched those news, so long it's been since me, my uncle, and my mom were in our living room watching television together.

And while change is an immutable aspect of life, it sometimes leaves me in awe. I remember as a child I soemtimes didn't like having relatives come over because I would have to sit in the living room with them, whereas I just wanted to play with my toys in my room. But now I realize how people so easily take so many things for granted - I mean, yes I was a kid - but it is the archetype of the kind of sentiment that I've been feeling a lot lately: that I miss the security of being a kid, watching important international headlines as I would lay in my moms lap and play with her hair, and hear my dads muffled voice from the dining room as he spoke too loudly on the phone about something that didn't interest me.

Oh how I miss being a kid, and counting sheep...

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